
2010 Big-Wheel Mini Shootout

Let's face it: minicycles the largest are in a strange place. Honda CRF150R, Kawasaki KX100 and KTM 105 SX is selling well, or at least the amount that justifies their existence, and each note of all the 85cc class to get a full dedicated racing brothers, but as a racehorse can be very difficult to be one of only three motorcycles.Maybe we, as owners of this machine is very good, is what this bike, they should focus on what to do.

Big wheel or superminis 105cc two-strokes to produce a variety of displacement, but is out, although many organizations can allow 112cc race. A single four-stroke 150cc, is to produce and racial boundaries. Each bike is a 16 - inch rear wheels and 19 - in the front. Many if not all share in common with leading all parts 85cc MXers.have to deal. Superminis costs a few pounds and some extra seat height provide all good. He is also a mini-motorcycle and a stepping stone between a full size, so more tracks from the road over the engine. For 2010, three models are available, and each is very different animal.

Honda CRF150R

Kawasaki KX100

KTM 105 SX

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